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Red Tea, Black Tea, and Rooibos—what’s the difference?
Why Loose Leaf Tea?
Tea in the News: Tea Can Potentially Slow Down Weight Gain
Scenting, Blending, and Flavoring Tea
Scenting tea is a traditional process where fresh flowers are added to dry tea leaves so that the tea leaves can absorb the flavor from the flowers. Typically this process is done in a big bamboo canister and the flower/tea mix is allowed to sit overnight so the tea can absorb the full flavor. Then this process is completed 3-5 more times to give the tea a rich and natural floral note.
Growth in the US Tea Market

What is the Difference Between White Tea and Green Tea?
Both white tea and green have been touted for their health benefits due to the minimal processing of both. But how exactly does the processing differ between the two?
What is Your Story?
Traditional White Tea vs. Young Leaf White Tea

The History of White Tea
White tea is classified based on both processing and plant cultivar used. White tea is the least processed tea since it is simply plucked and air dried without being heated. But just as important, true white tea only comes from a few different varieties or cultivars of the tea plant...