Spotlight: Bai Lin Kung Fu

The technique for making black tea is believed to have originated in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Province. In the 14th century AD as part of his plan to consolidate power, emperor Zhu Yuanzhang ordered all tea bricks/cakes to be destroyed. As making tea bricks/cakes was the primary source of income for Wuyi tea farmers, they had to come up with a different method for making tea. Over the next 150 years, through trial and error, they came up with black tea, which was also some of the first tea to be exported to the western world.


Today, many of the finest black teas in the world are still produced in Fujian. They are typically much lighter and sweeter than black teas from other regions in China, as well as other countries such as India, Kenya, or Argentina. Red tea is very similar to black tea, being only slightly less oxidized (having slightly less heat added) than black tea. Most western cultures would actually call red tea “black tea.” One such red tea that we produce is Bai Lin Kung Fu, which is made from a picking of 1 bud and 2 leaves from each tea plant. Typically these leaves are picked in mid and late spring when they are bigger and more aromatic. The leaves are then almost completely oxidized/fermented in order to darken the leaves and enhance their flavor. If done with high quality leaves and by someone with great skill for processing tea, the leaves produce a sweet, slightly malty, and very clean cup of red tea. Stop by and try some of ours today, or order some from this website!


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